Concord American Baseball
Game Summary Farm Division
 Athletics vs Yankees - June 2, 2010
Athletics 7 - Yankees 2

The A's wrapped up a successful regular season with a 7-2 win over the Yankees. Great pitching by left-hander Jonathan Miller and Gabe Martin was backed up by the A's potent offense. Jack Randall, Joe Barratt, Logan Morris and Eddie Curley provided timely hits. Carter Borchgrevink and Sam Carlson both chipped in with great defensive efforts and Jerome Santiago, John Helms, Andy McGalligan and Ethan Johnson had solid games at bat and in the field.
Thanks to the Yankees and their manager Hoover Prosser for their sportsmanship and effort all season long and a special thanks to all the A's players and parents (especially the right field rooting section) who made this season enjoyable.

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