Concord American Baseball
Game Summary Minor Division
 Athletics vs Giants - April 14, 2010
Athletics 11 - Giants 8

Perfect day for baseball for a “Bay Bridge” rivalry between the visiting Minor Giants and the host Minor A’s. Pitching for the Giants was Dallas Frias and Tashaun Herron. Pitching for the A’s was Christopher Neely, Antonio Alvarado and first time pitchers Faith Howell and Otto Steindorf.

The A’s led going into the 5th inning, yet the Giants scored 5 runs to take the lead 13-11. The light went off as the Giants took the field for the bottom ½ of the 5th, thus reverting the score back to the 4th inning, giving the A’s the victory 11-8.

The A’s were led by hits from Antonio Alvarado (2B), Nick Armstrong (1B), Kaipo Vevera (1B), Faith Howell (1B), Ezra Lara (1B) and Josh Burton (1B).


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