Concord American Baseball
Game Summary AAA Division
Giants vs Astros - May 2, 2007
 Astros 9 - Giants 8

Another great game between the Astros and the Giants.

James Fairbanks from the Astros started our game off with a centerfield out of the park 2 run homerun. This is the first one all season on any team so far. Mason Knight caught a pop fly in the 2nd inning and hit a triple RBI in the third inning. Thank you to our outstanding pitchers Brevin Schmidt, Jenny Morgan and Mason Knight. Thank you to our catcher Chris Carr for another fantastic game.

The Giants kept it a close game all game with outstanding plays. Craig Stellini made a crowd roaring 3rd base line drive catch. Every outfielder stayed on the feet during this game. The infielders were wide eyed and awake the entire game as well. Thank you for outstanding pitches from Tim Haffner and Andrew Maes. Thank you to Alex Temple for providing great talent behind the plate as catcher.

Congrats to James Fairbanks on winning the game ball.


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