Concord American Baseball
Game Summary AA Division
 Giants vs Yankees  - June 8, 2006
Yankees 15  -  Giants 13

A seesaw battle saw the Yankees grab an early lead, with the Giants coming back in the 2nd inning to take a 7-5 lead.  The Yankees went ahead to stay in the 3rd and held on to a 15-13 lead as the 6th inning started.  The Yankees kept a rally going in the 6th until darkness ended the game before anyone became completely frozen in the cold wind.  Parker Burr, Trever Rivera, Brandon Rosemont, and Matthew Hollenbeck pitched for the Yankees.  Mason Knight contributed 3 hits and a walk and Brandon Rosemont added 2 doubles.  Trever Rivera made the defensive play of the game by catching a sharp line drive on the pitchers mound and walking to 3rd to double up the Giants runner who had taken off for home.  Thanks to everyone who helped out with the umpiring, scorekeeping, etc.


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